1. Present
Alex Thompson, Peter Caddick, Nick Wynn-Williams, Richard Ennis,
Andrew Lund, Andrew Wynne, Tracy Davis, Alison Westwood, Guy Birkett, Gareth
Ruddock, Kim Carr, Jonathan Taylor and Richard Glover.
Non-Members who were also in attendance Laura Jones and Michelle
2. Apologies
Chris Clark, Shirley Thompson, Lynn Leighton-Johnson.
3. Approval of the Minutes of the 165th Annual General Meeting on
27th April 2012
Minutes approved as a true record. No matters arising.
4. Annual Report
This was received and approved.
5. Accounts
The Treasurer, Gareth Ruddock, presented the accounts, which showed
a very small deficit of £93.00 for the year to 31st December
2012. There are only 2 members who have
not paid and if that money is collected the deficit will be reduced. A very
small loss was made on the Annual Dinner.
Gareth reported that further progress has been made towards closing
the Birmingham Midshires Account. The
Account has been brought up to date and there is £1477.00 in it. He is working
on getting the second signature required to close the account.
It was agreed that the current level of insurance (which includes
events cover but not the regalia) should be maintained on the basis that there
is not expected to be any/any significant premium increase. There was no
necessity for any extension in the scope of the cover.
Gareth indicated that on the basis that James Sage remained a
signatory on the Bank Account it was convenient for him to remain a Director
and Company Secretary notwithstanding that he is no longer on the Council.
The accounts were approved.
6. Collection of Membership Fees
It was agreed that as the Society’s finances remained healthy the
subscription should remain at £37.00 and the concessionary rate for trainees
and retired members remain at £10.00.
The “imponderables” are always the levels of sponsorship and the
number of members.
7. President’s Remarks
A note was circulated.
8. Election of Officers
President: Tracy Davis was the only candidate and was
nominated by Guy Birkett and Richard Ennis and duly approved.
Vice-President: Andrew Wynne was the only candidate and was
nominated by Guy Birkett and seconded by Nick Wynn-Williams and duly approved.
Secretary: Richard Ennis was happy to continue in the absence of any
other nominations. He was nominated by Guy Birkett and seconded by Nick
Wynn-Williams and duly approved
Treasurer: Gareth Ruddock was happy to continue and was nominated by
Guy Birkett and seconded by Nick Wynn-Williams and duly approved.
Andrew Lund confirmed that he was happy
to continue as Press Officer, Andrew Wynne was happy to continue as
Parliamentary Liaison Officer and Laura Jones and Charlotte Clode are happy to
continue as Social Secretaries.
9. Election of Members to the Wolverhampton Law Society Council
Jonathan Taylor and Claire Hawke were co-opted onto the Council as
Junior Lawyers’ Division Representatives.
10. Election of Two Representatives of the Society to the West
Midlands Association of Law Societies
The President and the Secretary were duly elected.
11. Appointment of Auditors
and Remuneration
It was agreed that Messrs Daw White Murral were re-appointed as
auditors and their remuneration agreed at £810.00 inclusive of VAT.
12. Donation to the Solicitors’ Benevolent Association
It was agreed that a donation of £500.00
should be made to the Solicitors’ Benevolent Association as is customary and
Gareth was authorised to organise this.
13. Discussion of the role of the Society
Nothing to report.
14. Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting was duly closed.