Wolverhampton Law Society Founded in 1847

Friday 6 December 2013

Law Society Annual Dinner 2013

The Wolverhampton Law Society Annual Dinner once again proved to be a hit with both local firms and their guests. The latter included representatives from Crowe Clark Whitehill, Culley Lifford Hall, Allied Irish Bank, Lloyds Bank, Muras Baker Jones, Towler Shaw Roberts and Black Country Reinvestment Society. 

A total of 16 tables were filled. Held at the Molineux Stadium those attending the event were treated to a Champagne Reception in the International Suite followed by a formal three course Dinner. 

After Dinner entertainment was provided by comedian Mick Miller. 

A big thank you to Joint Social Secretaries Charlotte and Laura who organised the event and to our Sponsors. 

Photos are courtesy of Wolverhampton Magazine. 


Monday 28 October 2013

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Law Society Annual Charity Quiz 2013

This year’s event saw 21 teams battle for the coveted title of Wolverhampton Law Society’s Best Brains.

The hotly contested event was won by Thornes “Les Quiserables” who notched up an impressive score of 80.5 with Griffiths and Pegg’s “Skarravad” second and Rosie Owen’s “Tortes” in third. In the wooden spoon category Quality Solicitors eponymous “Terrible Two” romped to victory with a remarkable 27 points thus proving that everyone was a winner and not least Society Charities “The Haven” and “The Good Shepherd” as the event raised an impressive £515 to be shared between them.      

Friday 27 September 2013

Legal Profession destroyed

The Annual Golf Match against the Accountants resulted in a crushing defeat for the Society. Golfing Captain Guy Birkett reports:-
Victorious Accountant Golfers

Forget Jackson and Clementi. Our profession`s most serious blow was dealt by a group of local Accountants on a golf course in Oswestry on 20th September when 18 Lawyers took on a mongrel side of assorted Accountants, Bankers and anyone else Mark Botwood from Muras Baker Jones could rope in at the annual Wolverhampton Solicitors Vs Accountants golf challenge for the coveted replica claret jug trophy.

The match started promisingly with Guy Birkett and Gareth Ruddock winning their match against Mark Botwood and Mark Ashton. Any optimism quickly faded as a succession of matches came in for the Accountants. Absent a late victory by Geoff Kettle from Higgs and Sons the remaining matches all went the way of the Accountants with the match being won by them 7-2. A profession hung it`s collective head in shame.

As will be seen from the beaming smiles on the Accountants side there was little chance of them being magnanimous in victory. The Lawyers were teased throughout the after match meal and prize giving. Juvenile e-mails continue to be sent by the Accountants captain.

The Lawyers now have a full year to contemplate their failure and practice their golf before next September`s re-match. A profession expects.


Wolverhampton Law Society Annual Dinner 2013

Please click on the images to enlarge.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Thursday 1 August 2013

The SRA and monitoring financial stability


You will be aware from recent media coverage and other SRA communications that we are currently carrying out an exercise to help us understand which firms may be experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, financial difficulties.  

The prevailing economic conditions and government policy changes, such as the ban on referral fees for personal injury work and the proposed changes to legal aid, are creating financial pressures on firms, particularly in certain sectors of the legal services market. Our experience to date is that firms who are having difficulty managing these pressures pose an increased risk to their clients. However, where such firms engage early with the SRA there is a much greater chance of improving client protection and significantly reducing the potential for intervention and the associated costs.

The fact that we have made contact with a firm does not signal concern about the firm's particular financial position. At this point, the focus of the exercise is on those firms reliant on income from PI or legal aid; parts of the legal services sector which are known to be under particular economic pressures; and firms classified by the SRA as having a potentially high impact if they were to fail.

One of the biggest risks we are encountering is where a firm fails to face up to its financial difficulties. The work we are already carrying out with firms where we have concerns is already paying dividends with action being taken by some senior partners to manage their immediate financial difficulties. By supporting firms at the outset to help them take action to return to a sound financial footing, to become more attractive to a buyer, or to ensure an orderly wind-down, we are reducing the number of interventions we have to undertake. 

This email is to provide you with some detail relating to this exercise so that you are able to reassure any members who express concern or raise questions with you.

Information to be provided

The information we are seeking is confidential and/or commercially sensitive. We have put in place a secure IT portal through which the information can be provided in the strictest confidence.

We will be seeking the following information:

In relation to the most recent accounting year end:

  • Net profit
  • Drawings

In relation to a firm’s current position:

  • Total borrowings
  • Details of current overdraft facilities
  • Highest and lowest bank balances on office accounts
  • Whether or not  a firm has entered into any time-to-pay arrangements or deferral arrangements with creditors


We will be contacting around 1,350 firms at the end of July by email with a request for this information, which will then be used to assess whether or not we need to increase our understanding of a firm's financial position and determine the level of future engagement with the firm.

Should you have any comments, please email finfo@sra.org.uk.


Samantha Barrass

Executive Director

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Thursday 18 July 2013

Henry Soulsby

It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that Henry Soulsby, Founder and Manager of Clock Chambers died on Friday 12th July.

The Funeral arrangements are as follows: -  Sunday 21st July 3.00 pm at

St Michaels Church

Coalway Road





Then after at

The Great Western Pub

Sun Street


WV10 0DG

Donations for 2 charities that Henry had dealings with, will be at the Church.

Would you be so kind to pass these details on to those that knew him.


Emma Blacker

Clock Chambers
18 Waterloo Road

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Bond theme for Summer Ball

Held at Molineux Stadium this year’s Summer Ball had a distinctive Bond theme. Members of the Society and their guests were treated to a backdrop of footage from 007 with music to match.
Over 100 members and guests attended the event.
A big thank you to Laura and Charlotte for organising the evening and also to the staff at the Molineux.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Tuesday 7 May 2013

AGM 2013

The Society’s AGM was held on 26th April at the offices of fbc Manby Bowdler.
Treasurer Guy Ruddock was pleased to report that finances remained robust despite the Recession.
In keeping with tradition it was resolved to make a donation from Society funds of £500 to the Solicitors Benevolent Association.
Tracy Davis of Thornes was elected President for the following year with Andrew Wynne becoming Vice President.
Many thanks to fbc Manby Bowdler for hosting the event.
AGM 2013

Wolverhampton Law Society President’s Report at AGM

I have enjoyed my year as President of Wolverhampton Law Society enormously.  It has been a great honour to represent the Society at the various functions that I have attended throughout the year.
The year started for me at the AGM in April 2012.  I was soon after contacted by the University with regard to my sitting on the board of LEX 21.  For whatever reason those meetings have not really taken off through the year.  I hope the relations between the Society and the University can continue to strengthen to the mutual benefit of both organisations.
I have presided over regular meetings of the Council through which we have conducted the business of Wolverhampton Law Society.  My thanks to all those responsible at Rees Page Solicitors for their tireless work on running and updating the members’ blog. 
The first social event of the year was a summer ball  which we held at Perton Golf Club.  The event was well supported and gave us a number of ideas for building on and expanding the event this year.  I am pleased that a date has been fixed for this year’s event and I am sure it will be a great success.
Through the summer of 2012 work began on planning the annual dinner.  Prior to that event and in September 2012 we held a charity quiz night in conjunction with Walsall Law Association.  I thought the evening was a great success with approximately 30 teams entering.  My thanks to Chris Jones who wrote the questions.  I understand that Chris has agreed to act as question master for this year’s quiz which will again be in conjunction with Walsall.
Walsall Law Association were represented at our own annual dinner in November and likewise this society took a table at their annual dinner.  I hope very much that Wolverhampton Law Society and Walsall Law Association can continue to find common ground and strengthen their links.
Our annual dinner was a great success.  A little short of 200 people attended the event.  I am not sure that in retrospect the speaker was all that I had hoped he would be.   Nevertheless it did not put a dampener on what was otherwise a very well received event and I am sure that this year’s annual dinner will be supported with similar enthusiasm.
I have throughout the year attended two meetings of the West Midlands Law Society’s Association.  It was also my great pleasure to attend the Wolverhampton Magistrates’ Court mooting competition which saw Wolverhampton Girls’ High School head on to compete in the national competition.
I was invited to and did attend the Birmingham Law Society’s annual dinner.  Whilst there remains a good level of interaction between ourselves and the Birmingham Law Society it is perhaps something which can be built upon in the years to come.  I am sure that it would be to our mutual benefit.
Whilst I entered the draw in my capacity as a local Law Society President for tickets to the Queen’s Garden Party at Buckingham Palace I am afraid that much to the disappointment of the present Mrs Birkett we were not allocated tickets.  I wish Tracy Davis more success than we have had on that front.
My thanks to our two Social Secretaries, Laura Jones and Charlotte Clode who have worked tirelessly throughout the year and who have helped in no small measure to significantly “raise the game” of the Society. 
My thanks also to Richard Ennis who has worked for a number of years as Secretary and I hope will continue to do so for years to come.
Finally, and before I head back to the cheap seats it is my great pleasure to pass the regalia on to Tracy Davis and to welcome her into office as President of Wolverhampton Law Society.  I am sure that in Tracy the Society will have a glamorous and gregarious leader.  I wish Tracy all the very best for her year in office and hope that she enjoys it as much as I have. 

 Tracy and Guy

MPs meeting

The Society’s AGM was preceded by the popular “Meet your MP” event.
Conducted under “Chatham House Rules” the discussion saw a frank exchange of views between Society members and local MP Paul Uppall. Topics discussed included the impact that the Recession was having on Wolverhampton and  
what might be done to encourage growth in the area along with perceptions about the so-called “Compensation Culture” and yet more cut backs in Legal Aid. Unfortunately, Emma Reynolds and Pat McFadden were unable to attend.

Meet your MP

Thursday 4 April 2013

Wolverhampton Law Society Summer Ball - Save the Date

Please click on the image to enlarge

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Notice of AGM 2013

Please click on the images to enlarge

LawCare Presentation and Workshop Contents

 Please click on the images below to enlarge

Monday 18 March 2013

Meet your MP

In a repeat of last year’s successful format the Society’s AGM will be preceded by a session with local MPs.

The event will be held at the offices of fbc Manby Bowdler on Friday 26th April. A buffet lunch will be provided.

Paul Uppal MP (pictured below) is the first to confirm he will attend. By way of introduction his office have kindly provided a brief biography. Watch this space for further up dates.
From a young age, Paul Uppal wanted to become a Conservative MP because from his family experience, he realised that politics mattered. Politics mattered to his family as they lost a substantial electrical business in Kenya and were grateful to the UK for the refuge security and opportunities that were provided by this great country.

Born in Smethwick in a terraced house that was shared by not only his family but his uncle’s family as well, he spent his childhood in the working class area of Birmingham and attended both a state primary school and comprehensive state secondary school.  Under the guidance of one of his teachers he was encouraged to fulfil his academic ambitions and went on to study politics at Warwick University. 

Before entering Parliament, Paul ran his own business, and in his time as been his own builder, secretary, accountant, lawyer and cleaner. He says, “don’t ask anybody to do something for you, if you’re not prepared to do it yourself.”  He has maintained his interest in business during his first two years in Parliament as head of the All Party Group for Urban Regeneration and has been a vocal supporter for additional growth in Wolverhampton. He has also served as Vice Chair for the All Party Group for Men’s Health focusing on awareness and encouraging early screenings of prostate cancer and diabetes. One of his proudest accomplishments was to sit on the Welfare Reform Bill Committee because he believes that in order for the country to pull itself out of the recession, work must pay more than welfare and people need to have pride in their jobs and providing for their family.

Paul wanted to be an MP because he believes in Britain, and wants to be part of the solution in working to preserve Britain’s great institutions.  He stood for Parliament in Birmingham Yardley in the 2005 elections and then won a seat to represent Wolverhampton South West in 2010.


Thursday 14 March 2013

Local Law Societies re interventions

Please click on the images to enlarge

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Get financially fit

Please click on the image to enlarge

Friday 15 February 2013

Invitation to Retirement Planning Seminar

Wolverhampton Law Society in association with Wesleyan for Lawyers invites members to a seminar looking at Retirement Planning. It’s never too early to start planning for retirement even if it may seem a long way off! The seminar will be held on 7th March and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.

Please click on the image to enlarge

Thursday 7 February 2013

Mrs Sylvia Davies

If anyone has any information or holds either a Will for Mrs Sylvia Davies and/or the title deeds to her property at 80 Ashley Street, Bilston, West Midlands.  Please contact:-
Judith Johnson
Secretary to Emma Vaqueiro
Private Client Department
For and on behalf of Lodders Solicitors LLP
Tel: 01564 796845
Fax: 01564 794821

Thank you for any assisstance.

Thursday 17 January 2013

President Guy Birkett reports on another successful Annual Dinner

On the 9th November 2012 we held our Annual dinner event at the Molineux. The event had a Winter theme and the room was beautifully decorated. My thanks to our social secretaries, Charlotte Clode and Laura Jones for their vision and many hours of work in putting the event together.

The event attracted a record turnout of nearly 200 lawyers and guests. Once again the wider professional community and judiciary in Wolverhampton demonstrated that they value their links with us by booking tables and attending the event.

The event also attracted record sponsorship and I am most grateful to Wesleyan for Lawyers, No5 Chambers, St Philips Chambers, Wolverhampton University and the Molineux for sponsoring the event. I hope next years dinner will enjoy similar support.

Save for an impromptu ceiling leak which soaked several members of table 13 midway through my speech, the night passed without serious incident or catastrophe. I gave a speech which centred upon my pride in the professional community in Wolverhampton and Wolverhampton itself. With all having patiently sat through my sermon they were then entertained by our professional after dinner speaker, David Gunson. Much was gambled and won and lost on the traditional table sweepstakes.

Wolverhampton`s own, District Judge Roger Hearne, then won the prize draw. He immediately took the mike and donated the prize to The Haven charity which prompted a warm round of applause from all.

The event returns to the Molineux next year on Friday 22nd November 2013. I will by then have handed the Presidency over to Tracy Davis at Thornes and ( with some relief ) will take up a place back in the cheap seats !!

I hope to see all of you there and wish all our members a productive, busy and profitable 2013.

Guest speaker David Gunson with Tracey Davis vice president and Guy Birkett president.

District Judges Paul Watson, Roger Hearne and David England.

Please click on the images to enlarge

Monday 7 January 2013

Accountants lay down Quiz challenge

Please click on the image to enlarge