Wolverhampton Law Society Founded in 1847

Friday 24 April 2015

Annual General Meeting 2015

Held on the 24th April the Society's 168th Annual General Meeting was preceded by a buffet and talks given by Rav Hothi (Midlands Regional Manager at The Law Society) and Jim Brindley (Griffiths Armour).

The meeting itself saw Andrew Wynne as out going President hand over the role to Richard Ennis with Alison Westwood being elected as Vice President. Andrew will remain on the Council.

Click on the "Older Post" tab to see first a picture of Andrew Richard and Alison and again to read Andrew's Valedictory remarks.

Alison Westwood Richard Ennis Andrew Wynne

Valedictory Comments of Andrew Wynne Wolverhampton Law Society President 2014 - 2015

Speaking at the AGM Andrew Wynne reflects  upon his term as President
"It is my pleasure to present a report on the activities of the Wolverhampton Law Society over the past 12 months. 

The Wolverhampton Law Society Council has continued to hold regular meetings which have been supported by members of the Council. 

The prime focus over the past year has been to run three successful social events. 

The year started with a summer social held at the Novotel Hotel in Wolverhampton.  Although some cajoling was necessary to achieve the required numbers, all who went to the event thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a successful evening.  There were many positive comments afterwards about the room decoration, food and entertainment. 

The early autumn saw the Society hold its Annual Quiz which raised over £550 for charity.  This was widely supported and again enjoyed by everyone who attended. 

The social highlight of the year was the annual dinner and awards ceremony which was again a highly successful event.  The innovative idea of holding an awards ceremony proved extremely successful.  The Society attracted some positive press coverage.  There was an enormous amount of goodwill generated by the event.  There was great interest in the nominations for the awards and the eventual winners.  All thought that the idea of the awards ceremony, although extremely ambitious, was an excellent one and creates a blueprint for the future as to how the annual dinner can continue to grow and attract more guests. 

I have to say that having attended the Birmingham annual dinner a month later, I strongly believe ours was better! 

All of you who will have attended the events I have described will have been incredibly impressed by the efficient organisation, room decoration, choice of venue and smoothness with which the events were run.  An enormous amount of work goes into achieving this and the entire credit for this goes to our two excellent Social Secretaries, Charlotte Clode and Laura Jones.  In last year’s Annual Report, Tracey Davies said how they were a credit to the Society and I could not agree with these comments more wholeheartedly.  

Apart from social activities we have continued to be active discussing changes to the legal world. In November 2014, we were fortunate to have a visit by Robert Bournes, the Deputy Vice President of the national Law Society for England and Wales.  The afternoon began with a lunch held at Molineux for senior partners and managing partners of local firms and was followed by a seminar event where Robert answered various questions about the challenges facing our legal profession.  

Throughout the year we have also continued to foster links with the University and the Law School.

Besides our social secretaries, there are other people who have made a vital and important contribution to the running of the Society over the past year.  I am grateful to Tracey Davies for her unstinting support as a past President and also for her acting as Secretary.  I am also grateful to Richard Ennis, my Vice President, and Andrew Lund for the excellent blog which does so much to raise the Society’s profile and keep members informed of activities. Also the work of Gareth Ruddock as Treasurer is much appreciated  

The Junior Lawyers Division is a vibrant and well supported part of the Wolverhampton Law Society and my thanks go to all those involved in organising their excellent events.  

My final thanks go to Guy Birkett who several years ago suggested I come onto the Law Society Council which led to my being Voice President a year later.  I very much appreciated that Guy,  

I have found the last year has been hugely enjoyable and although it is a well used phrase, it has been a pleasure and honour to serve as the President of what is the oldest voluntary society in the City. 

My very best wishes go to Richard; I hope you have a successful year.  I wish (without being presumptuous about the elections to follow – assuming there is not a stampede of candidates) you and Alison as your Vice President all the best.

Thank you to all in this room and outside who have supported the Society and ensure its continued well-being."

Reminder - Wolverhampton Law Society AGM is today at 3:00pm

The Annual General Meeting of The Wolverhampton Law Society will take place today 24th April at 3:00 pm at the offices of FBC Manby Bowdler 6-10 George Street Wolverhampton

Monday 13 April 2015

Folly on Wheels

The Wolverhampton University Law Research Centre Journal Club will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 22nd April from 1.00pm to 2.00pm when David Cox will present his paper entitled “Folly on Wheels” in which he looks at the prosecution of vehicular offences in Crewe 1896-1939.

Tea and coffee will be provided – the Meeting will be held in room MC408.