Wolverhampton Law Society Founded in 1847

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Notice of AGM 2013

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LawCare Presentation and Workshop Contents

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Monday 18 March 2013

Meet your MP

In a repeat of last year’s successful format the Society’s AGM will be preceded by a session with local MPs.

The event will be held at the offices of fbc Manby Bowdler on Friday 26th April. A buffet lunch will be provided.

Paul Uppal MP (pictured below) is the first to confirm he will attend. By way of introduction his office have kindly provided a brief biography. Watch this space for further up dates.
From a young age, Paul Uppal wanted to become a Conservative MP because from his family experience, he realised that politics mattered. Politics mattered to his family as they lost a substantial electrical business in Kenya and were grateful to the UK for the refuge security and opportunities that were provided by this great country.

Born in Smethwick in a terraced house that was shared by not only his family but his uncle’s family as well, he spent his childhood in the working class area of Birmingham and attended both a state primary school and comprehensive state secondary school.  Under the guidance of one of his teachers he was encouraged to fulfil his academic ambitions and went on to study politics at Warwick University. 

Before entering Parliament, Paul ran his own business, and in his time as been his own builder, secretary, accountant, lawyer and cleaner. He says, “don’t ask anybody to do something for you, if you’re not prepared to do it yourself.”  He has maintained his interest in business during his first two years in Parliament as head of the All Party Group for Urban Regeneration and has been a vocal supporter for additional growth in Wolverhampton. He has also served as Vice Chair for the All Party Group for Men’s Health focusing on awareness and encouraging early screenings of prostate cancer and diabetes. One of his proudest accomplishments was to sit on the Welfare Reform Bill Committee because he believes that in order for the country to pull itself out of the recession, work must pay more than welfare and people need to have pride in their jobs and providing for their family.

Paul wanted to be an MP because he believes in Britain, and wants to be part of the solution in working to preserve Britain’s great institutions.  He stood for Parliament in Birmingham Yardley in the 2005 elections and then won a seat to represent Wolverhampton South West in 2010.


Thursday 14 March 2013

Local Law Societies re interventions

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Tuesday 5 March 2013

Get financially fit

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