Wolverhampton Law Society Founded in 1847

Thursday 14 April 2011

Society golfing team seeks revenge in annual outing against Accountants

Friday 16th September will see the latest in the annual series of gargantuan golfing showdowns between members of the Society and local Accountants. Readers will remember that a certain “frisson” was injected into last year’s event after the victorious Accountants were accused of gloating about their narrow victory.

In issuing a “call to arms” Wolverhampton Law Society Vice President and Golf Captain Guy Birkett said:-

“ I appeal to all golfing members of the Society who would like to take part to contact me whatever their ability. With a very mixed standard and handicaps varying from 5 to 28 the event is a great day out for all participants regardless of their golfing prowess.”

In what some will see as a provocative move Birkett went on to say:-

“ Unlike our opponents the Society has a proud tradition of fielding teams drawn exclusively from our membership”.

Commentators believe this refers to allegations that last year the Accountants fielded at least one “bandit banker”. An investigation subsequently revealed that the participant’s father rather than the participant himself was an Accountant. It is feared that uncertainty about eligibility criteria could yet intrude upon this year’s event. Rumours that golfing legend Tom Watson might be offered Honorary membership of the Society so that he could play in this year’s event at Oswestry Golf Club were today described as “completely without foundation” by the Society’s Press spokesman.